Risk Alert - ‘No-Deal’ BREXIT and the Green Card

Risk Alert - 'No-Deal' BREXIT and the Green Card

'No-Deal' BREXIT may signal return of the Green Card

The UK is currently part of the European ‘free circulation zone’ meaning UK motorists can legally drive their vehicles in any European Economic Area (EEA) country (EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) as well as Andorra, Serbia and Switzerland. This means they only need to carry their standard EU 'First Directive on Motor Insurance'  compliant certificate.

Even today, anyone driving from the UK to a country that does not comply with the EU First Directive on Motor Insurance needs to arrange a Green Card, providing the country they are travelling to belongs to the Green Card system. UK insurers cannot provide cover for vehicles travelling to countries that do not belong to the Green Card system and nor can they issue Green Cards for vehicles without UK registration plates.