Glasshouse & Commercial Growers Insurance

Glasshouse & Commercial Growers insurance

Towergate Allseasons* is recognised by the Horticultural Trades Association as the preferred insurance scheme provider for many of the UK's major commercial growers.

Towergate Allseasons* has built a solid reputation for designing a Glasshouse Insurance scheme that addresses the specific risks facing commercial growers and glasshouse owners.

It includes the Property, Business Interruption and Liability covers you’d expect, together with some additional protection we know you’ll appreciate.


Key features

Our popular Glasshouse Insurance scheme includes the following cover options:

  • Damage to crops due to a rise or fall in temperature or other adverse change to a controlled environment
  • Damage to combined heat and power (CHP) units
  • Environmental liability cover (clean-up costs)
  • Glass cover including weight of snow on glasshouses
  • Loss of revenue including failure of utilities
  • Cover for polytunnels (subject to survey)

We also provide:

  • A Pre-inspection survey service
  • Glasshouse valuations
  • Access to an approved glasshouse repairer should you ever need one.


*Towergate Allseasons is a trading name of Advisory Insurance Brokers Limited.